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Gregorio Allegri : ウィキペディア英語版
Gregorio Allegri

Gregorio Allegri (c. 1582 – 7 February 1652)〔(Gregorio Allegri ) classical.net, 2013. Retrieved 2 September 2013.〕〔(1911 Britannica gives year of birth as 1560 or 1585 and death as 18 February 1652 ).〕 was an Italian composer of the Roman School and brother of Domenico Allegri; he was also a priest and a singer. He was born〔"Allegri, Gregorio" in ''Chambers's Encyclopædia''. London: George Newnes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 271.〕 and died in Rome.
He studied music as a ''puer'' (boy chorister) at San Luigi dei Francesi, under the ''maestro di capella'' Giovanni Bernardino Nanino, brother of Giovanni Maria Nanino. Being intended for the Church, he obtained a benefice in the cathedral of Fermo. Here he composed a large number of motets and other sacred music, which, being brought to the notice of Pope Urban VIII, obtained for him an appointment in the choir of the Sistine Chapel at Rome as a contralto. He held this from 6 December 1629 until his death. As Andrea Adami wrote, Allegri was regarded as singularly pure and benevolent.〔"In addition to his virtue, he had singularly good nature. He gave generous alms to the poor, who were always on his doorstep, as well as to prisoners, whom he visited daily, as I was assured by one of his pupils, a man worthy of belief, who is still alive." (''Era anco aggiunta alla sua virtù una singolar bontà di costumi. Tanto a i poveri, che aveva sempre alla sua porta di Casa, quanto a i carcerati, che quotidianamente visitava, faceva larghe limosine, come mi ha attestato un suo scolare ancor vivente Uomo degno d'ogni credito''), Andrea Adami, ''Osservazioni per ben regolare il coro della cappella pontificia'', Antonio de' Rossi, Roma, 1711, pp. 199–200.〕
Among Allegri's musical compositions were two volumes of concerti for five voices published in 1618 and 1619; two volumes of motets for six voices published in 1621; an edition of a four-part sinfonia; five masses; two settings of the ''Lamentations of Jeremiah''; and numerous motets which were not published in his lifetime. He was one of the earliest composers for stringed instruments, and Athanasius Kircher has given one specimen of this class of his works in his ''Musurgia.'' Most of Allegri's published music, especially the instrumental music, is in the progressive early Baroque concertato style. However, his work for the Sistine Chapel is descended from the Palestrina style, and in some cases strips even this refined, simple style of all ornament. He is credited with the earliest string quartet.

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